Terms and Conditions


i. If you use the Cruzy Cruises website, you must accept this disclaimer in full; should you not accept, please do not use our website.

Cancellations and Refunds

ii. If a cancelling passenger gives more than one hour’s notice via telephone, a credit note will be issued to be used at a later date. Credit expires after one year.

iii. Cancellations made within one hour of departure will result in the forfeiture of all monies or, if available, the passenger can travel on another service that day.

iv. If a cruise is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions of medical failure, passengers will be offered one of two reimbursements:

a. A full refund, or;

b. A credit note, with an expiry date of one year.

v. Cruzy Cruises reserves the right to alter the route or change the schedule within reason. In this case, a refund or credit note will be issued.

Security Policy

vi. Cruzy Cruises uses the eWAY Payment Gateway for its online credit card transactions. eWAY processes online credit card transactions for thousands of Australian merchants, providing a safe and secure means of collecting payments via the Internet.
 All online credit card transactions performed on this site using the eWAY gateway are secured payments.

      • Payments are fully automated with an immediate response.
      • Your complete credit card number cannot be viewed by Cruzy Cruises or any outside party.
      • All transactions are performed under 128 Bit SSL Certificate.
      • All transaction data is encrypted for storage within eWAY’s bank-grade data centre, further protecting your credit card data.
      • eWAY is an authorised third party processor for all the major Australian banks.
      • eWAY at no time touches your funds; all monies are directly transferred from your credit card to the merchant account held by Cruzy Cruises

vii. For more information about eWAY and online credit card payments, please visit www.eWAY.com.au